
Congratulations, Tazza Times 18 is our digital publication that brings you the latest insights and analysis on the ever-evolving areas of technology, finance, and the AI tools industry. Our mission is to deliver timely and accessible information to our esteemed readers.

About Tazza Times 18

I, Ashok Lohar, established the website tazzatimes18.com in 2023 to provide timely, well-informed, and engaging content to the Tazza Times 18 readers in line with the rapidly changing industrial landscape.

At Tazza Times 18, we take pride in ensuring that our content adheres to the following principles:


We consistently provide contextual information and highlight the importance of news and events. Our analysis helps readers understand a broader perspective.


We adhere to strict journalistic principles and standards. All content goes rigorously fact-checked, and sources are carefully cited. 


We do not accept sponsored posts. Our writers objectively cover stories from multiple angles, ensuring fairness.


The format and style of our content are very carefully targeted to make it easy for our audience to consume and enjoy. We deliberately avoid the use of technical terms. In addition to our category-focused articles, Tazza Times 18 features guest contributions from industry experts, consumer how-to guides, book and product reviews, and more.

Our small but dedicated team of writers and editors excels at creating content that informs, educates, and empowers readers to stay up-to-date on critical technology and business news.

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You can contact us at info@tazzatimes18.com. We always appreciate your feedback and article suggestions. Please feel free to reach out.


Tazza Times 18 Team


Ashok Lohar is the founder of Tazzatimes18.com. Ashok Lohar is a successful blogger and Founder and Head of Content Strategy at Tazzatimes18.com. He started his blogging career in 2019 and is a successful blogger today.

The Author


I am Poonam Sutar, tech writer at Tazza Times 18. I have been writing about technology for the past five years. My job is to bring you the latest gadgets, best apps and hottest trends. I love making technology easy for everyone. Join you on this journey as we explore the latest together. Welcome to Tazza Times 18!


Hi, My name is Aryan Lohar, and I am a finance writer at Tazza Times 18. For the past seven years, I have covered personal finance, investing, and money management. My mission is to make complicated money topics easy to understand. For regular people like you and me, I look forward to sharing my expertise and insights while exploring new financial trends.


Hello, I am Swara Lohar, a key member of the Tazza Times 18 team. I am a writer with five years of experience now, and I help people like you find great jobs. I know the job market is tough. It keeps changing. That’s why I’m here to make it easy for you. I always share our site’s latest job opportunities, tips, and trends so you are in the know. My goal is simple: to help you navigate the ups and downs of the job search with simple information. Then let us help you find that dream job.